Boxing day shoot on a gorgeous Santa Monica afternoon.

Edie Kahula Pereira modeling Edie Kahula Pereira Goods (aka Specialty Dry Goods) Raffia bag in veg tan leather self shooting  IRL in her Santa Monica neighborhood.

A few years back a customer contacted me requesting images of a bag she was interested in being worn by a human. That's when i became the face of my brand. Now, whenever I make a bag, it's standard practice for me to grab my cell and take a few snaps of me wearing the bags.  Mostly shot in real life situations in the morning light of my Santa Monica, CA. based home/studio and neighborhood (and definitely not styled)--today's shoot was located between my studio and running an errand to my local market. The sun (light) on its path to sunset was already golden. 

Edie Kahula Pereira modeling Edie Kahula Pereira Goods (aka Specialty Dry Goods) Raffia bag in veg tan leather self shooting  IRL in her Santa Monica neighborhood.

Edie Kahula Pereira modeling Edie Kahula Pereira Goods (aka Specialty Dry Goods) Raffia bag in veg tan leather self shooting  IRL in her Santa Monica neighborhood.

Edie Kahula Pereira modeling Edie Kahula Pereira Goods (aka Specialty Dry Goods) Raffia bag in veg tan leather self shooting  IRL in her Santa Monica neighborhood.

Edie Kahula Pereira modeling Edie Kahula Pereira Goods (aka Specialty Dry Goods) Raffia bag in veg tan leather self shooting  IRL in her Santa Monica neighborhood.